It all began in September 2007, when a dream was realized and Ramsay opened its doors. In those first six months David, Rosso's visionary, would work every aspect of the cafe himself.

Over the next few years, Dave would open a new location in Calgary's downtown core and a third cafe location in Victoria Park.

In November of 2012, we introduced a Probat L12 coffee roaster to our Ramsay location. This was after we spent time in the States, absorbing knowledge from industry professionals and practicing the art of roasting on a 100g Primo sample roaster. 

As a company, we have now traveled to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Rwanda, Myanmar, Brazil, Burundi and Colombia to purchase green coffee directly from producers and we plan for return visits to harness and build on those relationshipsFrom there, we've introduced weekly quality control programs to further understand the science behind coffee varietals, processing methods, roast profiles, brewing parameters and palate development. 

In 2016, we opened three more locations. Our new flagship location in Inglewood, Calgarythe National Music Centre, StudioBell, and our sixth Calgary location, 17th Avenue in the Beltline District. And in March 2017, we were fortunate to introduce ourselves into the amazing community of Tuxedo in North Calgary.

In October of the same year, we were awarded the ATB Small Business of the Year through the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. Later in the month David and Cole were named to Avenue Magazine's Top 40 Under 40. We owe these successes to our amazing community.

Several of our baristas have competed in competitions. 

In May of 2018, our team was humbled when Cole won the Canadian Barista Championship. We were humbled, honoured and amazed to make the World Barista Championship Finals and finish 5th amongst 58 countries that were represented.

In March of 2019, once again we were able to obtain first place in the National Barista Championship, as well as fifth place. Following that, we improved our ranking from the year prior, finishing 3rd place at the World Barista Championship out of 54 countries.

In 2020, Nelson won both the Canadian Coffee in Good Spirits Championship and the Canadian Latte Art Competition. 

Today, no longer as Caffe Rosso, but rather Rosso Coffee Roasters, David's vision is beginning to come into full focus. The partnership of Jessie and Cole has helped take Rosso a step further towards quality, service standards and a few steps deeper into coffee's production. It's important for us to understand where coffee comes from, and how variables at the farm level, the roasting process and through choice of brew method, have diverse effects on how the final cup will taste.

At the end of the day, we're trying to facilitate a story of growth and passion. Not just our story, but the story of our coffees, their producers and our partners. 

Cheers, to coffee, and all of its intricacies,

Jessie, David, Cole + the whole Rosso team